While Dead Rising 3's map may not have quite the same scale as the recently-released images of Grand Theft Auto V's gargantuan Los Santos, the size of world in the latest of Capcom's zombie-killing franchise is still nothing to scoff at.

In a new report from Dead Rising 3 developer Capcom Vancouver, the studio confirmed that the map for Dead Rising 3 will be the largest that the series has ever had, with a world that is larger in scale than the first two games in the series put together. While the map will definitely be expanding from the more powerful capabilities of the Xbox One, the range of options for traversing the map will also be expanded with a higher selection of vehicles to help traverse the city. Capcom Vancouver also confirmed that unlike in Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 where players had to wait at loading screens when entering a new area, Dead Rising 3 will not have loading screens when traveling between areas of the map. Liam Gilbride, the technical art director for Dead Rising 3, explained further in an interview with Financial Post:

"We don't have the luxury of putting up a load screen. We made that decision early on. So that became a big part of our decision making process. We kept have to ask ‘How can we make this seamless?' while still getting all of the data that we needed to get in ... But it really hurt the user experience in [Dead Rising 2], hitting that load screen over and over and we wanted the world to feel bigger."

Regardless, Dead Rising 3 will have a bigger map, bigger locations, and more likely than not, even bigger hordes of zombies to fight through. The world map for the game is in the image above, and as a comparison, the world map from Dead Rising (top left) and Dead Rising 2 (bottom left) show that they could both fit several times within the map for Dead Rising 3.

Dead Rising 3 releases as an exclusive launch title on Xbox One this coming November.