The Destiny 2: Lightfall expansion introduces the brand-new location of Neomuna, a stylish, futuristic city hidden on Neptune. Throughout the course of completing the campaign, you’ll be introduced to the new Darkness subclass, Strand. Upon completion of the main campaign, you’ll fully unlock the subclass, able to equip Strand full-time for all your Guardian needs.

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It will initially feel a bit underwhelming, but once you begin unlocking the best Strand Fragments to customize your Strand experience, you’ll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine! In order to unlock Fragments, you’ll need to spend Strand Meditations — here’s how to get them.

What Are Strand Meditations?

Destiny 2 warlock strand

Strand Meditations are a new currency introduced in the Lightfall expansion used to unlock new, powerful Fragments for the Strand subclass. They look like green pyramid-shaped drops you’ll encounter on the battlefield. Each one you pick up adds to your total, allowing you to eventually afford a new fragment. You can unlock new Fragments at the Pouka Pond meditation space — the same location where you unlocked the full Strand subclass.

How To Get Strand Meditations

destiny 2 neomuna cityscape

Strand Meditations are fairly easy to acquire, but they’ll take a bit of patience. Strand Meditations drop from a variety of activities on Neomuna itself, from eliminating enemies with Strand to completing Patrols in the zone.

Activities That Reward Strand Meditations

  • Completing Lightfall’s campaign missions
  • Completing Lightfall’s Legendary campaign missions
  • Completing Neomuna Patrols
  • Completing Neomuna Public Events
  • Completing activity stages in Neomuna’s Vex Incursion Zone
  • Completing Partition: Hard Reset missions
  • Eliminating High-Value Targets in Neomuna
  • Eliminating enemies with Strand abilities
  • Looting chests at the end of Neomuna’s Lost Sectors

While exploring Neomuna and completing activities you come across, you’ll likely manage to collect a good number of Strand Meditations. It can be slow-going if you’re just focused on getting Strand ability eliminations, so definitely lean into the Neomuna activities in order to quickly collect all of the best Strand Fragments available. You can check your total number of Strand Meditations by tabbing over to your inventory screen or by visiting the Pouka Pond meditation spot to acquire new elements of the Strand subclass.

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