On February 15, it appears as if Reuben Langdon, the voice actor who plays Dante in Devil May Cry was shot at six times whilst filming a documentary with Stephen Michael Copeland, and Phil Lane Jr. No one was injured.Steve Copeland uploaded a video filmed at the scene of the assault somewhere in Guatemala and shows off various bullet holes in the body of their vehicle. They count at least six. Copeland gives a lengthy tour of the impacts, showing where the bullets went through the car's body and damaged various interior sections. We also see Reuben sharing some details. They both talk about how the assailant was trying to open the passenger door and was shooting at them as they were pulling away.While Reuben and Steve were both in Guatemala with Phil Lane Jr, he had gone home sooner as detailed in a Facebook post from when he shares this video. "If my beloved wife had not told me to change my ticket and come home right after the critical work was done, I would have been in the back seat, where several bullets hit. "The three were on location in Guatemala where they were filming a new documentary called Vision of the Ages. You can find the teaser trailer here if you're interested in the production.As you can see in the Facebook video, Reuben kept a sense of humor, smiling and joking. He even took a moment to Tweet this.

The two appear to be well in the video, although we do hope they are okay.

Devil May Cry 5 is the latest title in the Devil May Cry series and is said to be about 15 hours long and rated Mature by the ESRB. It'll be landing on March 8 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.