Today Blizzard Entertainment released a new trailer featuring its "The Darkening of Tristram" event that that will be implemented in Diablo III to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of the first Diablo.

The event, coming with patch 2.4.3, will include a remake of the classic dungeon of the first game with Diablo III assets, but the developers didn't stop there. They included a pixelated filter to give the dungeon a retro feel, locked the camera in the original position and movement to the original eight directions, they changed the sounds to make them feel more similar to Diablo and even re-created the UI on their own free time to provide an experience more faithful to our memories.

If you want to see what it looks like, you can check out the video below, narrated by Lead Game Designer Kevin Martens, Senior Game Designer Zaven Haroutunian, and Senior Game Designer Joe Shely.

The dungeon will include several original quests and all the bosses, and will be accessible to all existing characters, even if you will be able to create a new one to get the old-school experience from level one.

I have to say, it definitely looks a lot like my memories of Diablo, or at least like those memories filtered through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia, that always make us remember old games a much better-looking than they originally were.