With the decline of PS Vita sales and the termination of dedicated first party development, Sony hasn't been talking about its portable console all that much lately, and the same goes for one of its most relevant features, PS4 remote play.

Enter Square Enix, that set out to demonstrate today that if you want to play Dragon Quest XI on a portable, but don't want to wait for the still-mysterious Switch version, or to put up with the arguably hideous visuals on 3DS, you still can, and it looks really good.

The publisher released a video showcasing the PS4 version of the game played on PS Vita via remote play, showing some assorted gameplay on top of the Magic Slot feature that is exclusive to PS4 and appears to be perfect for remote play.

The video is topped by some super-cute Dragon Quest nail art, and the wonder on whether the game will look like this on Switch, or the pipe dreams for a PS Vita 2, whether you're in the Nintendo or Sony camps.

You can check it out below. And if you want to see more, you can check out a recent TV commercial of the PS4 version45 minutes of gameplay, the spectacular opening prologue video, more commercials starring celebritiesnew screenshots highlighting the story, and more footage displaying riding monsters. You can also download a lovely PS4 theme for free.

Dragon Quest XI will release tomorrow on PS4 and 3DS, on the ides of never for PS Vita, and some time down the line for Switch, with no launch date announced for Nintendo's new console as of yet.