Hey everyone! Friendly neighborhood DualShockers Editor-in-Chief here -- long time no chat. We've got some changes coming on the horizon, and prior to making those announcements we need to test out a few things with the site's interface. What does that mean for you? Well... the comment section is going down today.

Now don't worry! This is only a temporary move to test out some of the site coding, and we are going to make sure it is back up within 24 hours. However, we didn't want everyone to go in a panic and think either:

  1. The site is broken; or
  2. We are planning or permanently shutting down your ability to comment on our stories.

We love the comment section as much as you do and never plan on removing it like some other outlets.

So pardon our dust, and if you want to argue and comment on some of the stories feel free to join us over at the official DualShockers Discord channel. I'll see you all back here in 24 hours!