Elden Ring's secrets are plentiful. On the surface, the game looks pretty open and invites exploration. But as you dive deeper, you'll find that the game has a ton of hidden pathways, quests, and items that involve more than just a fight to obtain. In order to truly discover the ins and outs of the Lands Between, you need to open your eyes and take a deeper look.

Related: Elden Ring: Where To Find Ghost Glovewort-Picker's Bell Bearing 3

Obtaining an unlimited amount of items seems far-fetched for the title, but it's possible. Various Bell Bearings let you acquire a seemingly endless amount of a specific resource, but they're usually tricky to obtain. In this case, finding the Bell Bearing Hunters is more of a challenge than actually fighting the hunters.

How To Spawn The Bell Bearing Hunters

Elden ring player fighting a bell bearing hunter

Although you may travel to the correct hunter locations, you'll find that they don't always spawn in. This is clearly frustrating for any player trying to zip by and defeat these enemies to obtain their Bell Bearings.

No matter where you arrive, each will have an NPC nearby. Follow the following steps once you have arrived:

  1. Rest at the Site of Grace to make it nightfall
  2. Speak with the NPC and then select leave
  3. Rest at the Site of Grace once more
  4. Return to the NPC's area to find him gone; the Bell Bearing Hunter should spawn

Limgrave Bell Bearing Hunter

Warmasters shack on the elden ring map

The first hunter will be located in Warmaster's Shack in Stormhill, Limgrave. Follow the steps above with the NPC in the area to make the Bell Bearing Hunter Appear.

Once he has arrived on the scene, defeat him, and he will drop the Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing. Give the Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable, and you can now purchase Thin Animal Bones and Hefty Beast Bones. These items are mostly used for crafting bolts and arrows.

Liurnia of the Lakes Bell Bearing Hunter

Church of Vows on the elden ring map

You will find the second Bell Bearing Hunter in the Church of Vows on the Eastern side of Liurnia of the Lakes. In this case, the NPC will be Miriel, Pastor of Vows.

Follow the steps above to make the hunter appear. Once you defeat the Bell Bearing Hunter, he will drop the Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing. Bring this Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks, and you will be able to purchase Sliver of Meat, Turtle Neck Meat, and Lump of Flesh. These items are pretty key in crafting everything and anything essentially.

Related: Elden Ring: All Glintstone Crown Locations

Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter

isolated merchants shack on the elden ring map

The third hunter will be located in the Isolated Merchant's Shack in Caelid. Follow the initial steps with the Isolated Merchant NPC and the hunter will appear.

Once defeated, the Bell Bearing Hunter will drop the Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing. Give the bell bearing to the Twin Maidens, and you will have access to Gravity Stone Chunks and Gravity Stone Fans. You can throw and scale these offensive items with your Strength and Intelligence.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Bell Bearing Hunter

Hermit Merchants shack on the elden ring map

The fourth and final hunter can be found in the North near Leyndell, Royal Capital. Travel to the Hermit Merchant's Shack just outside the Capital. Follow the steps above with the Hermit Merchant NPC to unveil the Bell Bearing Hunter.

Once the final hunter is defeated, you will obtain the Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing. As you might assume, when you bring this Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable, you'll gain access to items that can cure various ailments. More specifically, you will be able to buy all boluses which can cure poison, sleep, frostbite and scarlet rot.

Next: Elden Ring: All Deathbird Locations & Rewards