It is quite crucial to follow the proper path in Elden Ring, or else you might end up in an area that can be too difficult for your level.

MORE: Why You Should Kill Gatekeeper Gostoc in Elden RingElden Ring's most praised aspect is actually something that can make the game extremely difficult, especially for newcomers to the genre. The open-ended nature of the game means that all areas are unlocked from the get-go, so you can go wherever you want. The game does give subtle cues about where you need to go, but the absence of waypoints still makes things very ambiguous. If you are stuck in any segment of the game or find it too difficult for your level, the following recommended level outline might help you find your way around.

Best Route & Boss Order In Elden Ring



Recommended Weapon & Character Level

West Limgrave

The recommended level for this area is between 1 to 10. The recommended weapon level is 0 to +1.

East Limgrave & Mistwood

The recommended level for this area is between 5 to 10. The recommended weapon level is 1 to +2.

Weeping Peninsula

The recommended level for this area is between 1 to 20. The recommended weapon level is 3+.

Roundtable Hold

Stormveil Castle

The recommended level for this area is between 30 to 40. The recommended weapon level is +3 to +4.

Liurnia of the Lakes South

The recommended level for this area is between 40 to 50. The recommended weapon level is +3 to +4.

Raya Lucaria Academy

The recommended level for this area is between 50 to 60. The recommended weapon level is +4 to +5.

Liurnia of the Lakes East

The recommended level for this area is between 50 to 60. The recommended weapon level is +4 to +5.

Ainsel River (Underground)

The recommended level for this area is between 50 to 60. The recommended weapon level is +4 to +6

Liurnia of the Lakes West

The recommended level for this area is between 60 to 70. The recommended weapon level is +8 to +12

Siofra River (Underground)

The recommended level for this area is 60+. The recommended weapon level is +8 to +12

Caelid South

The recommended level for this area is 60+. The recommended weapon level is +8 to +12

Nokron, Eternal City & Siofra Aqueducts

The recommended level for this area is 70+. The recommended weapon level is +15 to +20

Deeprot Depths, Eternal City & Siofra Aqueducts

The recommended level for this area is 70+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Lake of Rot, Nokstella & Liurnia West Special

The recommended level for this area isThe recommended level for this area is 80+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Mt Gelmir

The recommended level for this area is 80+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Leyndell, Royal Capital

The recommended level for this area is 80+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Forbidden Lands

The recommended level for this area is 90+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Mountaintops of the Giants

The recommended level for this area is 90+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Consecrated Snowfield

The recommended level for this area is 90+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Mohgwyn Castle

The recommended level for this area is between 100+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Miqeulla's Halligtree

The recommended level for this area is 100+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Crumbling Farum Azula

The recommended level for this area is 100+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

City of Ash

The recommended level for this area is 100+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25


The recommended level for this area is 100+. The recommended weapon level is +20 to +25

Just like the areas, you can take on the bosses in any order you feel like as well. Since there are over 200 bosses in Elden Ring, we have just included the ones who are absolutely necessary to progress in the game. Players should be able to other world bosses without much hassle if they have the recommended level for the respective region.

  • Margit, the Fell Omen
  • Godrick the Grafted
  • Red Wolf of Radagon
  • Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
  • Morgott, the Omen King
  • Fire Giant
  • Maliketh, the Black Blade
  • Godfrey, First Elden Lord
  • Radagon of the Golden Order
  • Elden Beast