The best weapons in Elden Ring are sometimes those that are right in front of our eyes. While to acquire some weapons, you have to go through trials and tribulations; sometimes, you can open a noticeable chest and obtain an S-Tier type weapon. Though great items this obvious are few and far between, they are still there and scattered around the Lands Between as long as you know where to look.

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The Erdtree Bow is seemingly simple, but it packs a punch. Besides the fact that visually it looks fantastic, this S-Tier bow is more than worth your time to go and retrieve it.

Accessing The Altus Plateau

Grand Lift Of Dectus On The Elden Ring Map

The Erdtree Bow will be located in Leyndell, Royal Capital, but to reach the Royal Capital, you must gain access to the Altus Plateau. In order to do so, you will need the two halves of the Dectus Medallion and raise the completed Medallion at the Grand Lift of Dectus.

The right half of the Medallion will be located at Fort Faroth in Dragonbarrow, Caelid, while the left half can be discovered at Fort Haight in Mistwood, Limgrave. Once collected, travel to the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace and interact with the magical barrier to the North. This will teleport you to the far side of the broken bridge, where you can follow the road Northeast to reach the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Related: Elden Ring: How To Obtain Dectus Medallion

Retrieving The Erdtree Bow

Erdtree sanctuary on the elden ring map

While the bow is in an obvious spot, you will have to fight through many formidable enemies to reach its location. The Site of Grace you're looking for is the Erdtree Sanctuary, deep inside the Royal Capital. If you already have it unlocked, fantastic! If not, you will have to fight Godfrey, First Elden Lord, to unlock the Grace Site.

Once you have defeated Godfrey, head East outside from the Site of Grace; once out, you will see a gigantic tree trunk that you can climb back into the building's top floor. Once you have reached the top floor, exit the door to the North, make a left, and jump onto the roof below. When you land on the roof, proceed into the open window that leads inside the building. Proceed back inside the building, and nearby there will be a chest that contains the Erdtree Bow.

The Erdtree Bow

Erdtree Bow in an elden ring players inventory

The Erdtree bow may not look like much at first glance, but it is one of the best bows in Elden Ring if used correctly. As per its description, "Longbow featuring Erdtree styling. In times of old, when faith and battle went hand in hand, this weapon was created in tandem with the Golden Arrow. Scales all arrow damage with faith, revealing its true worth when used with holy-infused arrows."

The bow scales primarily with Faith, Strength, and Dexterity and deals holy damage to foes. In line with its description, when using the weapon's built-in skill, "Mighty Shot," and using holy-infused arrows, this weapon shines its brightest. In addition, you can upgrade the Erdtree bow by using Somber Smithing Stones.

Next: Elden Ring: All Ancient Somber Smithing Stone Locations