One Elden Ring player discovered a way to unmask the mysterious Sorceress Sellen, revealing an unexpected face beneath her stone visage.

FromSoftware fans have undoubtedly hyped up Elden Ring ever since the game was announced back in 2019, and its release has certainly lived up to it. It expands upon FromSoftware's usual design elements with tighter combat, intimidatingly difficult enemies, and punishing environments. Its new systems lend to an enormous breadth of play styles, giving players the option to tackle Elden Ring's world however they like.

As an open-world game, Elden Ring has certainly introduced a whole host of new elements to FromSoftware's catalog - from new characters, abilities, and methods of combat. Now, one particular character has recently struck up interest in the game's community - Sorceress Sellen.

Sorceress Sellen is a Merchant NPC that guides players along a questline to learn more about sorceries and glintstones. Always donning a stone mask that covers her entire head, fans have wondered what the NPC actually looks like. One Redditor has discovered a way to unmask her, revealing a surprisingly detailed face underneath.


In a post made to the r/EldenRing subreddit, u/FreddyKrum shared screenshots of Sorceress Sellen sans-mask. Though players expected the character's face to not fully render, u/FreddyKrum's screenshots show quite the opposite.

Usually, in regular Elden Ring gameplay, players never get a glimpse of Sellen's true face. Additionally, her large stone mask obscures even her hair, making it difficult to discern any real features. However, these screenshots reveal not just a fully rendered face, but an unexpectedly young one. With dark, tied-up hair, striking blue eyes, and a soft face, many players were struck by how detailed she is.

Elden Ring Sorceress Sellen
Elden Ring Sorceress Sellen

In fact, despite players never seeing her face in regular gameplay, Sellen actually has 2 different face models pre- and post-transformation. Though players wouldn't usually see much of a visual difference given the stone mask, these screenshots reveal that the transformation does have an in-game visual effect.

Sellen claims to feel younger in her new body, and the new face design reflects that. Her hair lightens to a brown, her nose slightly changes shape, and her skin goes a bit pale. It's a fascinating detail, especially considering how hidden this detail is.

Upon this discovery, many fans were highly impressed that devs put so much care into something like an unseen masked face. It's clear that an incredible amount of effort was put into designing these characters, regardless if players can actually see every detail.

Elden Ring is available to play now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.