A ton of notable NPCs in Elden Ring are scattered all over the Lands Between. Some will lead you to legendary armaments, while others can lead you to alternate endings of the game (there are six different endings). Fia is one of the NPCs tied to The Age Of Duskborn ending. It's convenient to have a variety of options.

Related: How to Get to Moonlight Altar and Finish Ranni Quest in Elden Ring

Her questline involves Ranni The Witch, D the Undead Hunter, and Sorcerer Rogier (among others). Along the way, you will collect several unique rewards that will aid you on your quest to becoming Elden Lord.

Starting Fia's Questline

Fort Faroth and Grand Lift Of Dectus And Fort Haight Elden RIng Map Locations

Fia can be found at the Roundtable Hold, where she is seen lounging on a bed. Approach her and let her embrace you in order to receive a Baldachin's Blessing. Note that this blessing will take away 1 point of Vigor until you use it (can be found in the consumables section of your inventory).

To officially start her questline, you must reach the Altus Plateau. There are several ways to reach the Altus Plateau, but the simplest is to collect both halves of the Dectus Medallion. You can find the first half at Fort Haight in Southeast Limgrave and the other half at Fort Faroth in Caelid (See above image). Once you have collected both halves, make your way to the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Directions To The Grand Lift Of Dectus

Grand Lift Of Dectus On The Elden Ring Map
  • Travel up the West side of Liurnia Lake.
  • Reach the Main Caria Manor Gate Site of Grace.
  • Head East and use the stone spire bridge to make your way to the east side.
  • From here, travel North along the road until you reach the Grand Lift of Dectus.

D, The Undead Hunter

Summonwater Village Outskirts On The Elden Ring Map

In addition to accessing the Grand Lift Of Dectus, you will also need to meet D, Hunter of the Dead. You can find him in Limgrave, Northeast of the Summonwater Village Outskirts Site of Grace. Before continuing Fia's quest line, it is recommended that you obtain a Deathroot.

Lucky for you, you can get one at Summonwater Village shortly Northeast of the Summonwater Village Outskirts Site of Grace. Walk around the area until the Tibia Mariner appears, then defeat him to collect his Deathroot. Upon collecting the Deathroot, travel to Roundtable Hold and show it to D. This will give you access to Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Every Deathroot Location And Reward

The Weathered Dagger

Elden Ring Player Talking To D At The Roundhold Table

Upon completing these two requirements, return to Fia, and she will present you with the option to talk in secret. After completing her dialogue, she will present you with the Weathered Dagger and ask you to find its owner. From here, walk back to D and give him the dagger. Note that after you give D the blade, it is only a matter of time before you can't interact with him anymore.

After he accepts the dagger, you cannot proceed to the next step in Fia's questline until you obtain two Great Runes. It is recommended that you get these ruins from Godrick the Grafted and Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon.

Black Knife Catacombs

Black Knife Catacombs On The Elden Ring Map

Upon defeating these great enemies and gathering their Great Runes, travel back to the round table and speak with Fia. During this conversation, she will hint at the location of the Black Knife Catacombs, which can be found in Northeast Liurnia.

Elden Ring Player Standing On A Guillotine

While in the catacombs, you will stumble upon a room with large guillotine traps. Ride one of these traps upward and jump onto the floor above. Run to the end of the room, where there will be a false wall that you can attack to reveal a hidden pathway to the secret boss room. After defeating the boss, you will receive the Black Knifeprint. This is actually useful in Rogier's questline, but it still needs to be obtained in order to progress to the next phase of Fia's questline.

Return To Fia

Travel to Roundtable Hold once again and walk through the door at the end of the hall, past the Smith, where you will find Fia in her new location. Exhaust her dialogue, and she will give you the Twinned Armor Set (D's armor) and will fade away to her final location in Deeproot Depths, one of the underground areas in Elden Ring. Before you head there, there are some things you should note:

  1. You will need to obtain the Cursemark of Death (see next steps), only obtainable in Ranni's questline. This means you have to defeat Radahn in Caelid at Redmane Castle.
  2. Caution: Following the next few steps will prevent you from completing Seluvis's questline, so you may want to do that first.
  3. You will end Rogier's questline early if you complete the next few steps.

Related: Elden Ring: Siofra River Well Brazier Locations

Nokron, Eternal City

Fort Haight West On Elden Ring Map

Upon defeating Radahn, travel to the Fort Haight West Site of Grace and travel northwest until you reach the new massive hole in the ground. Follow the rocks down, leading you to descend upon Nokron, Eternal City.

Elden Ring Player Looking Off A Cliff In Nokron

Travel through Nokron until you find the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace. From here, it gets a little tricky as you need to jump onto a hidden ledge and follow the path through the tops of broken buildings and various halls until you find the Nights Sacred Ground Site of Grace. As a bonus, you will find the powerful Mimic Tear Spirit Ashes in one of the buildings.

Related: Elden Ring: Best Spirit Ashes, Ranked

Fingerslayer Blade And Inverted Statue

Elden Ring Player Receiving The Carian Inverted Statue And Fingerslayer Blade

From the Nights Sacred Ground Site of Grace, travel Northeast while fighting or running past the NPC blobs to reach the giant skeletal statue with a chest at the base containing the Fingerslayer Blade. From here, travel to Ranni's Rise and give her the Fingerslayer Blade. In exchange, she will provide you with the Inverted Statue. Take the Inverted Statue to the Carian Study Hall in Eastern Liurnia.

Carian Study Hall Entrance On Elden Ring Map

Directly inside, there is a pedestal on which you can mount the Inverted Statue. This will completely alter the dynamic of the location, flipping it upside down. Fight through the Study Hall until you reach the Liurnia Tower Bridge that leads directly to the Divine Tower of Liurnia. After defeating the Godskin Noble boss on the bridge, you will receive the Cursemark of Death at the top of the tower.

Defeat The Twin Gargoyles

Elden RIng Player Riding Torrent Past Enemies

Travel back to the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace and make your way to the Siofra Aqueduct, which is Northeast past an altar and some Spirit Jellyfish before a hidden ledge. Travel along this ledge until you reach the aqueduct and make your way through until you reach the Great Waterfall Basin. Right before the stairs leading to the Great Waterfall Basin, you will encounter D's brother. Make sure to stop and present him with D's armor.

When you reach the Great Waterfall Basin, you will have to fight the Twin Gargoyles, one of the more challenging bosses in Elden Ring. After defeating the gargoyles, rest at the Site of Grace before entering the open coffin by the waterfall.

Find Fia In Deeproot Depths

Deeproot Depths On The Elden RIng Map

After you've taken your pleasant coffin waterfall ride:

  • Travel West until you arrive at the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace.
  • From here, journey along the edge of the waterfall and scale the tops of the massive tree branches until you reach the Across the Roots Site of Grace.
  • Move onward, and you will come across a massive, eerie opening home to Fia's Champions.

Once you defeat her champions, rest at the nearby Site of Grace, and Fia should appear. Approach Fia, let her embrace you one last time, and present her with the Cursemark of Death when given the option. In return, she will provide you with the Radiant Baldachin's Blessing. Fia should then proceed to the final part of her questline (she will say, "this is goodbye, my dear"). If this doesn't happen, continue to rest at the Site of Grace and talk with her in secret until she presents this dialogue.

Age Of The Duskborn

elden ring player retrieving the mending rune of the death prince

Reload the area, and you will find Fia sleeping. Interact with her to unlock the final boss battle of this quest. Upon defeating the deadly Lichdragon Fortissax, return to Fia's body and retrieve the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince.

This Rune can be used after defeating the game's final boss to unlock the Age of the Duskborn ending.

Additional Rewards

Elden Ring Player Using Fortissax's Lightning Spear

You will receive a remembrance that you can exchange for one of two incantations, called "Fortissax's Lightning Spear" and "Death Lightning" (require high Faith). These two spells are powerful, helpful, and worth the effort of getting to this point.

In addition, if you gave the armor to D's brother, you can return to Fia's final resting place and find his brother. The choice is yours from here. You can either slay him or rest at the Site of Grace after exhausting his dialogue to re-attain the Twinned Armor set with the addition of a new item, the Inseparable Sword. This greatsword is Faith-based and comes with the Sacred Blade skill. You can also collect Fia's robes and hood from this location.

Next: How to Complete Jar-Bairn Quest in Elden Ring