The appearance of Knonshu has excited the fans enough to know about the other Egyptian gods introduced in Moon Knight. Let's know about all of them.

Gods have a special place in the Marvel universe. Most fans are only aware of Thor, but the actual list of deities is way too long. With Moon Knight, we are introduced to the Egyptian deities. The Egyptian gods have been introduced in Moon Knight since the first episode, and lately, more gods have appeared in the show. So let's see the list of all the deities and their powers that appeared in the show so far.

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Egyptian Gods In Moon Knight

1. Khonshu

Khonshu Moon Knight

It would be fair to kick off the list with the most prominent god of the series. Khonshu as we all know is a god of the moon, who gets his work done by Marc Spectre, a man whom Khonshu revived to life and offered him his powers. The reason why Khonshu needs an avatar is that he cannot enter into the earthly plane.

The person whom Khonshu chooses as his avatar is blessed with his superpowers. These powers include superhuman strength, exceptional durability, quick healing powers, resistance to aging and diseases, and a lot more. His magical powers can help Moon Knight to teleport, use telepathy, and heal others. He is also known to absorb the powers of the other heroes as well.

2. Ammit

Ammit Egyptian god

We all know Ammit as the Egyptian deity whom Khonshu wants Marc to stop from getting awakened. On the other hand, Arthur Harrow is the faithful follower of Ammit who is looking for her Ushabti to release her. Ammit is known to pass judgment on people for the evil deeds they are going to do in their future. She shared a sliver of her power with Harrow which he uses to judge people.

Ammit is known to have been born by mixing acacia petals with Nile water, black sand, and desert heat. Then the goddess Ma'at used her magic to bring Ammit to life. That's why Ammit served Ma'at and guarded the Halls of Ma'at as well.

3. Horus


Horus is another Egyptian god who appeared in Moon Knight through his avatar. He is also known as The Falcon God and The Falcon Of Heaven. Horus is the God of justice and retribution, and Declan Hannigan plays the role of Horus's avatar in the series.

Those who possess Horus's power attain supernatural strength and can lift about 75 tons of weight. Incredible speed, stamina, durability, and healing capabilities are also gained by Horus's avatar. As Horus is a falcon god, his avatar can also fly in the air. By channelizing the solar energy, one can also create energy blasts and generate heat beams from their eyes.

4. Hathor


Hathor is one of the major goddesses in Egyptian mythology. She is the goddess of love, music, dance, sexuality, and maternal care. In Moon Knight, the role of Hathor is played by the British actress, Díana Bermudez. Being a sky deity, she is also connected to Horus, the sky god, and Ra, the sun god.

She is one of the most powerful gods in Egyptian culture. Hathor can easily manipulate humans, even gods, and beasts with her Amokinesis ability. While doing so, her eyes become gold and start to glow. She can also teleport to distant places by removing the bracelet given to her by Horus. Once, she puts the bracelet back, she can return to the Earth again.

5. Osiris


The god of fertility, agriculture, vegetarianism, afterlife, death, resurrection, and life, Osiris is the son of the sun god Ra. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris has green skin color and keeps a long beard from the chin. His legs are covered like that of a mummy and wear an Atef crown while holding a crook and frail in his hands.

The role of the Osiris God is played by the Egyptian-British actor, Khalid Abdalla. Being a god of life and death, Osiris can just make things rot by mere touching them. The opposite is also possible, he also has healing capabilities, and his eyes can even bring the dead to life. His association with agriculture and vegetarianism allows Osiris to have full control over the vegetation life.

6. Isis

Isis god Moon Knight

The next Egyptian deity on the list is Isis, the goddess of magic and maternity. In her first life, Horus, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys were her siblings. Then in her next life, Osiris became her husband, while Horus was born as her child. Nagisa Morimoto played the role of Isis's avatar in the Moon Knight series.

Being a god of magic means that Isis has control over all the magic. She can teleport to any place she wants to, though there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled. Her other powerful abilities include Kite transformation, summoning lightning, healing abilities, and many more.

7. Tefnut


Goddess of moisture, dew, rain, and water, Tefnut is another Egyptian goddess introduced in Moon Knight. Hayley Konnadu plays the role of Tefnut's avatar in the show. She is the daughter of the most powerful Egyptian god, Ra. Tefnut is also known as the lioness goddess as her face resembles a lion.

Tefnut has total control over water and all other related elements like moisture, dew, etc. Once she got angry with Ra, after which, she took all the water and moisture with her and left the place. Being a lioness deity, Tefnut has immense power and great fighting skills.

8. Taweret

Egyptian gods in Moon Knight

Famous among the fans by the name Hippo Goddess, Taweret is the recent Egyptian Deity who got introduced in Moon Knight. While Marc and Steven Grant are running out of the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital, they meet Tawarat at the entrance. Although she greets both of them with respect, both Marc and Steve scream out of fear of seeing her for the first time.

In addition to a Hippo, Taweret's association is also with other living beings. She has the human breasts, limbs, and paws of a lion, while her tail resembles a Nile Crocodile. Taweret holds the power of rejuvenation, and she can also bring back the dead to life. With her cleansing and purifying abilities, she can make anyone worthy of an afterlife.