The rise in horror games' popularity came as the medium went 3D, got more detailed, and had more tools to frighten players with. While some retro games, mainly point-and-click adventures, did enter the horror genre, games like this that actually manage to be scary are a rarity. That being said, FAITH: The Unholy Trinity seems pretty darn creepy in its announcement trailer, which was fittingly released on Halloween. You can check it out below:

As you can see, while FAITH: The Unholy Trinity would initially seem limited by its retro visuals and Adventure-esque design, it can still use those tools to its advantage. The humans recreated in this look uncanny and creepier than most realistic drawings could be, the use of early speech synthesizers makes dialogue feel more unsettling, and the retro soundtrack manages to be eerie.

FAITH: The Unholy Trinity comes from the independent developer Airdorf and is published by New Blood Interactive, who you probably know for titles like Amid Evil and Dusk. Initially, the game follows a young priest as he returns to a house where an exorcism went wrong on a mission that was not approved by the Vatican. What ultimately ensues is an adventure that touches on the demonic scare of the 1980s and has players taking on cults and performing exorcisms.

Airdorf's adventure is split into three episodes, though this Steam release bundles them together and improves upon them with widescreen support and more. In fact, FAITH: The Unholy Trinity has been recreated in an entirely new engine. If you are interested in horror games that break the mold, FAITH: The Unholy Trinity is definitely a game that you should keep your eye on.

While the game does not yet have a release date, a free demo for it is currently available on Steam. Check out some screenshots showcasing more of the game below: