Camelot Unchained has now gathered $872,636 from 5,464 backers on kickstarter (you can pledge your own support here, and you surely should), and things are starting to heat up, with the first character prototypes unveiled via updates. The latest one is the female viking coming with plenty artwork for us to enjoy.

You can see both the artwork and the model (static and in motion) at the bottom of this post. Personally I think they look really fantastic. It's not even a matter of sheer graphical glitz, as much as of art direction and how the artists managed to nail the nomadic and fierce nature of the faction without falling into the usual "horned helmets" pseudo-historical stereotypes.

What I see is a perfect combination of strong and sexy (yes, I see some sexiness there, call me weird if you will), even if I probably will never see the ladies in question if not from the wrong side of a sword (or a poleaxe in this case). As a proud Albion player on Dark Age of Camelot, I already know that the hosts of the Arthurians are the only place where my heart could be.