Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 is just getting started. The beginning of every new season comes with lots of changes to the map, the loot pool, and a whole new battle pass. If you want to make some big progress in the battle pass, you’ll likely be looking for ways to earn xp fast. If you have a bit of time on your hands, the milestone quests could give you an extra xp bump.

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Once Milestone quests drop, that’s it for the season. Milestone quests don’t get added throughout the season. So, if you gun to finish them for the xp, just know that it means you’ll have less around to do later. These quests aren’t influenced by grouping up, so you’ll have to accomplish all of these goals yourself to get that wonderful xp.

Milestone Quests

Fortnite Milestone 1

These are season-long challenges that have twenty stages each. Each stage is worth 6k in xp. While you can certainly grind out these challenges, that’s not really the point. You’ll likely complete most of these objectives by playing consistently throughout the season. If you find yourself lagging behind near the end of the season, by all means, kick the grind into gear. There’s no reward for finishing these early, so slow and steady might be the best pace.

  • Stage 1 of 20 - Acquire Accolades… 0/75
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Activate Augments… 0/10
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Complete Daily Quests… 0/20
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Damage Opponents… 0/4,500
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Eliminate Opponents… 0/25
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Gain Shields… 0/1,000
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Outlast Players… 0/750
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Search Chests Or Ammo Boxes… 0/75
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Thank The Bus Driver… 0/5
  • Stage 1 of 20 – Travel Distance In A Vehicle… 0/5,000

After you’ve checked out the milestone quests, check out your quest tab to see what other objectives you have sitting around. If you have other quests that are time-sensitive, definitely prioritize those. You have all season to complete the milestone objectives.

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