The European PlayStation Store gets new PS4 dynamic themes a bit slower than the rest, even if the average quality might be defined higher, and today our fellows from the Old Continent can enjoy two new offerings.

The first is the Far Cry 4 dynamic theme released ten days ago on the North American PlayStation Store. It's exactly the same quite cool theme, but there's a relevant difference: on the European PSN it's free, while on the North American one it costs $2.99.

We don't know if it's a conscious marketing choice or a mistake, but you might want to grab it ASAP, just in case the price gets corrected later today. If you're not in Europe you can still get it with an European PSN account and then you'll be able to use it with all of your accounts once it's installed on your PS4.

Good things come to those who wait?

The second dynamic theme released today is a Hohokum dynamic theme. It looks lovely, and it's priced £1.69. It was released on the North American Store a while ago, but this one didn't switch to free once released in Europe.

Below you can check out screenshots of both themes.