The TV Network known as G4 has recently been showing mostly reruns of cops and low rent reality TV.  It is a shame really, because when they do cover games, they do a good job; their E3 Coverage wasn't bad (though not as great as say, DualShockers).  However, this might all be about to change as their former president, Neal Tiles, has recently stepped down, leading the way for the network to replace him with NBCs former marketing chief, Adam Stotsky.  Stotsky will be in charge of all aspects of the NBC owned channel, from publicity to programming.

While it is unclear what Stotsky can or will do with the network, but something clearly needs to happen. G4 is competing with the internet and their programming quality and ratings drop in the last two years have reflected a lack of direction.

Maybe if they get back on track we can see some of the programming that made the network good come back, like Cinematech or even the old Tech TV staples, and not just endless reruns of Campus PD.  Or maybe they will just rebrand the channel and leave the geek crowd to the internet.

Or maybe they will give DualShockers our own show.  Who wouldn't want to see Giuseppe and Joel duke it out on TV?

[Deadline Hollywood]