Genshin Impact published the details regarding the next weapon banner, or Epitome Invocation, and this Version 2.2 mid update banner brings back 5-star bow Elegy For The End.

Elegy For The End was first released back in Version 1.4. The weapon is now getting a rerun and you might be interested in grabbing it if you're using any bow character with a build focused on Elemental Mastery.

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Elegy For The End builds, reccomended characters in Genshin Impact

Overall, Elegy For The End is a bow based around Elemental Mastery and Elemental Burst. Its secondary stat is Energy Recharge. You can check the detailed stats for Elegy For The End on Honey Impact.

You'd like to give it to a character with high support and high burst damage capabilities. Depending on your preferences, you should throw in a Wanderer's Troupe Artifact set for another Elemental Mastery bonus.

Obviously, the best choice for the Elegy For The End bow is Venti if you own him, as Elemental Mastery boosts the DMG of all Swirl reactions he'll trigger. Next, Sara is a pretty good choice too. Lastly, if you're planning to pull for Gorou in Version 2.3, Elegy For The End will be one of the best bows for him too seeing he's a Geo character with a lot of support capabilities.

Should you pull on Weapon Banners in Genshin Impact?

Personally speaking, I've said it several times in the past, but I wouldn't recommend pulling on weapon banners in Genshin Impact in the first place. Especially if you're a pure F2P player. Saving Primogems for future characters is always the way to go in my book.

With that said, even if you're F2P, if you've been playing Genshin Impact for over a year since release, you probably have 11-12 characters at Level 81, 9/9/9 Talents, and with Artifacts with good substats rotating between them. So you might want to start looking at weapons now rather than characters. Overall, that's the order of things you should follow in any gacha game if you're unfamiliar with them.

There's objectively no reason to pull new characters at that point besides liking them. Now, don't get me wrong. This is a perfectly fine reason to pull charaters in my opinion, and you should always follow your taste rather than tier lists.

In any case, if you aren't planning to pull for Childe, Hu Tao, Thoma, Albedo, Itto, and Gorou, then getting Elegy For The End might be a good idea if you own Venti. Else I'd say you should pass on it.

Two new four-star weapons are included as well in the banner with Elegy For The End and Staff of Homa: Mounn's Moon, and Wavebreaker's Fin.