There is a new secret underwater domain that needs to be unlocked by completing Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates in Genshin Impact 2.0.

Like all other quests in Genshin Impact, this one is also a bit tricky and requires you to solve puzzles. This is why we have summarized all the steps you need to know to unlock Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates.

  • MORE: Genshin Impact - How To Complete A Strange Story In Konda Quest

Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates - Secret Underwater Domain Unlock 

First of all, you need to head to this area on the map at Araumi, Narukami Island:

Then you need to light the 4 Electro towers scattered in the area (refer to images). For lighting up the fourth Electro tower, you need to solve a puzzle by shooting the top row of cubes in the order: left-middle-middle-left)

Next, you need to activate the machine (image below) to open up the bottom of the tower that is right behind it. Climb down this tower and unlock the chest there.

After this point, you’re going to need the Memento lens to proceed so make sure you get it first.

Use the Memento Lens on each of the three statues inside the tower and it will unlock 3 buttons (click on them) and a hole will open up below. After jumping into the hole you need to turn left and swim until you reach the stairs. There you will see a bunch of floating stones puzzle (as shown in the image below). To solve the puzzle hit the stones in this order: 4312144 and it’ll unlock a chest and also lower the water level near the hole.

Now do down the stairs to the circular door, open it, and keep walking until you find the Teleport Waypoint at the end. You will find another locked device and a puzzle that can be solved by stepping on the platform. The idea is to walk on all the tiles without stepping on them twice. Just keep on walking on all the tiles on the platform until they start glowing.

Doing so will open another door that contains the last puzzle. This one is just like the previous one you did, so just repeat the same method, and you’ll unlock the domain.

And that's it, the Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates will open and you will be able to enter this underwater domain in Genshin Impact 2.0.