On October 18, Genshin Impact (PC, PS4, Mobile, soon on Switch, PS5) revealed its second time-limited gacha banner, with Klee as the featured character. Klee is part of the Knights of Favonius, but is often locked in solitary confinement for blowing things up. In Japanese, the best dub, Klee is voiced by Misaki Kuno, who also voiced new character Sophia in Persona 5 Scramble, one of the best games of 2020.Klee is a five star Pyro user, and a Catalyst user. Klee most notably has a special skill which makes Mondstadt local specialties appear on the mini-map.

The Klee banner in Genshin Impact, Sparkling Steps, will begin on October 20, 1800 (server time). The banner will last till November 9.

Needless to say, the banner will have the same pity count system as existing banners. You'll get a guaranteed 5 star at 90 pulls, with a 50% chance for it to be Klee. Three 4 star characters will also have an enhanced probability rate: Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Noelle.

It's important to note miHoYo already confirmed the ongoing pity counter carries from one time-limited gacha banner to another. For example, if you already did 50 pulls on the Venti banner without getting a 5 star, your pity counter for the Klee banner will start at 50.

Getting enough Primogems to do 90 pulls is quite hard as a free player if you haven't been saving up since the game launched. I wouldn't recommend aiming for duplicates of Klee, unless you're a whale, and getting her just once would make you a pretty lucky player.

A new weapon banner, Epitome Invocation, will be launching too on October 20, 1800 (server times):

If you're a f2p, don't spend your Primogem on weapon banners and focus on character banners. Similarly to constellations / characters duplicates, weapon banners are whale-oriented.

A story trailer introducing Klee's troubles was published. (In Japanese, Chinese and Korean only). An in-depth Klee gameplay video is out too:

Lastly, I wouldn't recommend putting money into Genshin or any gacha game specifically to pull the gacha. Because ultimately there's no guarantee you'll get what you want. If you do want to spend money on Genshin Impact, there are way better alternatives, like its Battle Pass and the monthly blessing.