Genshin Impact, like many games with gacha elements, contain what we call a pity system, here's an explanation of how it works, and what you should keep in mind when you pull on the character or weapon banners.

Pity gacha system in Genshin Impact

Players who pull in the ttime limited character gacha banners of Genshin Impact get a guaranteed five star character or weapon every 90 pulls, with a 50% chance for it to be the banner's featured character. This is called the pity counter. And reaching 90 pulls to get a five star is called hard pity. The pity counter carries over from one Limited Banner to another.

To take an example, if you did 45 pulls on the Zhongli banner, and did not get a five star character or weapon, then you are guaranteed to get a five star in the next 45 pulls on the Eula banner.

Moreover, if you get a five star character or weapon, and it's not the banner's featured character, the pity counter resets to zero, but next time you hit pity, you're guaranteed to get the featured character. This also carries over from one Limited Banner to another.

Let's say you did 90 pulls on the Zhongli banner, but ended up getting another 5* character. If you do 90 pulls on the Eula banner, you are guaranteed to get Eula. After that, it'll be a 50-50 chance again.

Overall, you need to keep track of your pulls and write them down, or check your Wish / gacha pulls history in-game, in the Wish menu.

Weapon banners / Epitome Invocation pity system

A pity system is also in place on Epitome of Invocation banners, most commonly called weapon banners. However, there are a few differences:

  • On weapon banners, the guaranteed five star is at 80 pulls instead of 90
  • The first time you hit 80 pulls, instead of a 50% chance, there's a 75% chance that the five star weapon will be one of the two featured weapons. The second time you hit pity, it's guaranteed to be one of the two weapons. After that, the probability loops back to 75% again.
  • The only five stars you can get on weapon banners are weapons, there are no five star characters.

Moreover, you always have two different five star weapons featured on weapon banners. Meaning that it's always a 50-50 chance to get the weapon you want. If you're unlucky, you can end up getting the same 5* weapon several times in a row.

Just like with the character Limited Banners, the pity count carries from one weapon banner to another.

Lastly, the pity system also exists on the Standard permanent banner. Except that banner never has a featured character or weapon.

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Is it better to do 10 pulls at once or pull one by one? Soft pity explained

While it was never officially confirmed by miHoYo, many Genshin Impact players believe the probability to pull a five star drastically increases on character banners starting 70 pulls or so, which would be what we call a soft pity system.

It's indeed rare to actually go up to 90 pulls to get a five star, and you usually get it starting 75 pulls or so. As such, it's overall recommended doing pulls one by one once you get to 60 pulls or so. Unlike many other gacha games, Genshin Impact has absolutely no bonus for doing 10 pulls at once.

That's everything you should know about the pity system in a nutshell. Genshin Impact is currently on Version 1.5, and version 1.6 should be launching on June 9, 2021.