God of War Update 1.0.9 has been released today, and it brings a number of performance improvements and fixes to the game.

God of War's PC release has been quite a success for Santa Monica Studios, as it became the highest-selling PlayStation game on PC. While games like Horizon Zero Dawn were affected by a number of performance issues at launch, God of War was quite flawless, and that made the entire experience really smooth for players out there.

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Today a new update debuted for the game, making some interesting changes to the game. There is some quality of life changes, such as the addition of functionality to switch aim and block to toggle. However, the update is predominantly focused on performance improvements. Here are the complete patch notes of the update.

God of War Update 1.0.9 Patch Notes (Today March 23, 2022)

New Features

  • Aiming and Blocking can now be configured as a toggle instead of a hold
  • Triple Buffering can now be enabled to reduce micro-stutters at the cost of a minor latency increase
  • GPU memory usage is now included in the video settings to aid performance troubleshooting


  • Memory values will now be detected properly when using integrated graphics
  • Silent crashes will no longer occur if a GPU reports invalid memory values
  • Some gameplay systems will no longer cause intermittent crashes
  • Implemented small object culling to help reduce the number of objects being processed by the CPU

Developed in response to recurring AMD performance issues, this change should improve minimum framerates in scenes where there are many objects on-screen. During our testing, we saw an average 20% improvement in frametimes above the 95th percentile.

To those not experiencing instances of major framerate drops, please note that this change will not result in a significant improvement to graphical performance.