Although most of the Epic Games' surprises for Fortnite's Valentine's Day update have already been leaked, there are always some details that you won't get until the official announcement arrives. Hearts Wild Cup is a brand new competition in Fortnite that runs in different regions and it's important for players to get to know about their current position in the Hears Wild Cup Leaderboard. Here, we will have a quick look at the current status of the leaderboards and will provide you some advice to get yourself to the top of your region's table.

In case you don't know, in Hearts Wild Cup you have to take part in 10 matches in a row in three hours with a team of two. Based on your performance at the end of the 10 matches, you will be placed somewhere in the Hearts Wild Cup leaderboard in your region. Regarding your place, you will receive some in-game items and cosmetics with the Valentine's Day theme. The top players of each region will receive Lovely Outfit and Heartblast Back Bling.

Fortnite Hearts Wild Cup leaderboard

Each position in a match will grant you some specific points and the sum of those points after the end of the matches will determine your place on the leaderboard. Since the matches are played in Duos mode, the placement for each match will vary from 1 to 50. Here are the points for each place:

1st: 42 Points

2nd: 36 Points

3rd: 32 Points

4th: 30 Points

5th: 29 Points

6th: 28 Points

7th: 27 Points

8th: 26 Points

9th: 25 Points

10th: 24 Points

11th: 23 Points

12th: 22 Points

13th: 21 Points

14th: 20 Points

15th: 19 Points

16th: 18 Points

17th: 17 Points

18th: 16 Points

19th: 15 Points

20th: 14 Points

21st: 13 Points

22nd: 12 Points

23rd: 11 Points

24th: 10 Points

25th-29th: 9 Points

30th-34th: 6 Points

35th-39th: 3 Points

40th-44th: 2 Points

45th-50th: 1 Point

Currently, the available regions are NA East, NA West, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Middle-East, and Brazil. Thus far, the top duos of each region have gained over 300 points, with some on the edge of 400. This will give you a rule of thumb for how many points you need to be among the top positions of the leaderboard. If you want to check the live leaderboard, you can pay a visit here.

Fortnite is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.