If you're on Facebook or Twitter then you know that nearly everyone has been playing and loving the Destiny Alpha. Though the portion of the game that's in the alpha is sizable, there is a lot more to it and some secret areas have been found.

A Bungie Community member who goes by the handle Poiesis listed several of the secret areas that he found.

Here is exactly what he wrote:

1. At the end of the Story mission area, proceed onwards until you come out into the open. There will be a small area with Hive and Fallen fighting each other. Go to the rusted helicopters near an edge of the area, and jump down from the ledge. You'll see a secret room with an Ascended Ogre (Hive) that is Level 11. This a pretty hard enemy, but fun to fight as it's quite a challenge and the only known Ogre in the Alpha.

2. About halfway through the Devil's Lair Strike area (past The Divide if you don't want to do the Strike) at the place where your Ghost needs to take down a barrier, look around and you will see a large entrance glowing green. Head down the winding path and you will end up in The Grotto, where a lot of ?? Level Hive dwell. It is not a good idea to attack these enemies, as they are practically meat barriers, but they are possible to kill. 

3. When on Patrol, head to the Mothyards. When there, head towards the Story mission entrance (building with the large radar) and turn right before it. You'll notice an entrance to a crevice like path. Follow this path until reach the Forgotten Shore. Once there keep going straight until you pass the big building at the far side, where you'll see another entrance. Head along that path, avoiding the two ?? Level enemies (unless you have the time and patience) and you'll reach The Hot Gates (300 reference?). There a lot of ?? Level Fallen here protecting a Hive cave entrance. EDIT: (from user The Mandalore) At the Hot Gates, if you proceed into the Hive Cave you will reach the Hidden Swamp, where another Hive Ogre is!

4. When on Patrol, head right from spawn until you see a staircase along the far wall. Head up this staircase and pass through the building that follows. Soon you'll reach The Divide. Once here, go right and along the path, until you see a large glowing orange entrance to your right. Head into this area and you'll end up at The Cosmodrome. This is a special area, where the first gameplay of Destiny was released back at E3 2013. You'll find yourself at a barren wasteland, and you should see to your left a sign that's fallen over. Sit down on this sign and take a screenshot, as is the trend! The view at this area is amazing, and if you're like me and watched the first gameplay a million times, it's a very cool feeling to walk through the exact same steps as Jason Jones. You won't trigger the same mission, but there is a jumpscare where a light literally explodes off the ceiling, and ruins your moment of nostalgia and awe.

These are just some of the secret areas. It's pretty awesome that even the alpha has these neat Easter eggs. One could only imagine how many secret areas the final game will have. The alpha for Destiny has been extended so try to see if you can find any other hidden areas while it's still going.

Destiny will be released on the PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on September 9th.