Elden Ring, essentially being a Souls game from within, so the difficulty is always a point and debate and fans are wondering if there is an easy mode available in the game.

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Now while there is not a dedicated easy mode in the game, there is a way you can make the game pretty much an easy mode. So how do you do that? Well, it is quite simple. You need to go for an astrologer build. At the time of writing this article, magic builds are pretty much broken in Elden Ring.

Here Is How You Can Play Elden Ring In Pretty Much An Easy Mode

For making a good magic build, you need to start with an Astrologer with the Golden Seed keepsake, considering the fact that Astrologers have quite low HP. From the very beginning, you need to be putting your points on Intelligence and Vigor, along with Dexterity. That's pretty much all you need to put your effort on in order to make pretty much an overpowered character.

You might be wondering why we are asking to put some points on Dexterity. Well, there is a reason for that. Apart from your staff, you will need a good weapon for close-range combat too, and for that, we will be using the Moonveil Katana. Again, this weapon is almost broken in this game because it deals an insane amount of damage. The icing on the cake is the fact that it scales really well with Dex and Int, with the latter starting with a C. That means all the effort you put into raising your Int for sorceries will help you get a massive buff for your katana as well. Pair this up with some good sorceries like Adula's Moonblade, the one-shot boss demolisher Azure Comet and Ranni's Moon, and you are all set to absolutely obliterate even late-game bosses.