Few developers are as amusing to follow on Twitter as Platimum Games' Hideki Kamiya. His tweets are  completely unfiltered, and he absolutely loves to pull his readers' leg with his joking and trolling.One of his most successful jokes is probably the simplest, but its simplicity, which is a stroke of genius in its own, ensures that many will always fall for it.When someone asks Kamiya-san when we'll get news or screenshots about a game he isn't allowed or doesn't want to talk about, he'll respond "next week...in game magazines," or a limited variation on that theme.The talented developer pulled his household joke today as well:

Scalebound fans seem to be Kamiya-san's favorite victims as of late, with other cases in the past:

Of course that never happened, and it isn't limited to Scalebound. Kamiya-san pulled the same prank it in the past with a few other titles, not only generating naive posts on social media, but almost inevitably sparking news pieces on various websites.

I won't throw anyone under the bus, but simple googling reveals three news articles published today on imaginary Scalebound screenshots coming next week, and past tweets sparked similar reactions even from rather big media outlets. If you want to see for yourself, just google "Next week...in game magazines Scalebound" or "Next week...in game magazines Kamiya." Hilarity will ensue.

Ultimately, it's the simplicity of this little prank that makes it so funny, and the fact that news-hungry writers keep falling for it every single time. Whenever I see Kamiya-san tweeting that magical line, I know news will follow, and inevitably they do.

I almost feel bad for sharing the real nature of this joke, because it's hilarious to see the havoc it wreaks, but yes... Whenever you see Kamiya-san responding "Next week...in game magazines," probably shouldn't get your hopes up, just to avoid the inevitable disappointment. And if you're a news writer, you might want to consider not jumping to the fallacious chance of writing a juicy headline.

Never change, Kamiya-san. Keep delighting us.