Sean Bean is known for dying. A lot. If you name some of the actor's most popular work from his career, there's a good chance that he's had a dramatic death somewhere in that given film or TV show. Well, now, you'll be able to kill Sean Bean for yourself following the release of Hitman 2 next month.

Bean will be appearing in IO Interactive's Hitman 2 as the game's first Elusive Target, a timed character that will appear within the world of Hitman that you can hunt down as Agent 47. Mark Faba will be the name of the character that Bean plays and the Elusive Target mission, called The Undying, will kick off a week after release on November 20. You'll then have ten days to hunt down Faba/Bean for yourself.

In addition to simply appearing in Hitman 2, Warner Bros. released a new trailer featuring Bean which is attached at the bottom. Even though Bean is supposed to be playing this character of Mark Faba, his comments in the video seem more meta than anything. This whole crossover is kind of strange but I also love it. It definitely makes me want to pick up Hitman 2 before the end of November just so I can kill Bean myself.

Anyway, the new trailer featuring Bean is attached below. Watch it. It's funny. Hitman 2 is scheduled to launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 13. If you'd like to pre-order the game for yourself, you can do so over on Amazon now.