Need a quick dose of health? Here is how to get and use Urgent Heal in Elden Ring!

Getting in a heal in the middle of a fight in Elden Ring is always stressful as it's hard to predict whether your enemy would attack you in the midst of your healing or not, but the Urgent Heal incantation could almost resolve this problem!

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Of course, using this incarnation will cost you some FP, but when you only need a small dose of heal, it's better to use Urgent Heal rather than sacrificing an entire Flask that could be used in critical situations.

How to Get the Urgent Heal Elden Ring

If your character is based on Confessor, then you should have Urgent Heal in your inventory from the beginning of the game. However, other character types need to buy it.

Hopefully, Brother Corhyn sells Urgent Heal incantation and you can find him at Roundtable Hold. He is a prophet.

That being said, if you have already talked to Corhyn at Roundtable Hold and he has told you about his journey, then you can no longer meet him at Roundtable Hold. At this stage, you can find him at the north of the Altus Highway Site of Grace at Altus Plateau. He is next to a monument in front of which you can find the Altus Plateau's map.

How to Use the Spell

Similar to other spells, you should add your upper slot in the Memorize Spell section at a Site of Grace. Then, you should equip a Seal as your weapon and as you use Seal to attack, the character will apply the Urgent Heal on themselves. You can always buy the Finger Seal from Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold.

Elden Ring is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.