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Elden Ring is hands down one of the best games ever made. In fact, it even got the number three on our best RPGs of all time list and the number one spot on our best PS5 Games list. But to experience the full breadth of Elden Ring in all its glory, you’ll need to be aware of how to access the optional content in the base game.

Elden Ring: 10 Best Tips & Tricks For Beginners
Elden Ring can be intimidating during those early hours in the game, but the more you know, the better prepared you'll be.

Whether you are gearing up for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, or are just trying to figure out how to get to that Pantheon-looking building you can see off in the distance when exploring Nokron, one of the late-game places you don’t want to miss is Mohgwyn Palace. This location is optional but is also one of the best places to farm runes, so you'll definitely want to finish it before you take on the final boss. Here are the two ways you can find Mohgwyn Palace.

White Mask Varre’s Questline

Elden Ring Varre

The most common and most complicated way to get to Mohgwyn Palace is by proceeding through White Mask Varre’s questline. Chances are, you ran into Varre immediately after exiting the tutorial area of the game, The First Step. After doing so, you’ll continue to run into him in a few different areas in the game.

There are a couple of steps in this questline that you will have to complete before you get the Pureblood Knight’s Medal required to teleport to Mohgwyn Palace. These steps include invading three people using the Festering Bloody Fingers and getting the blood of a Finger Maiden. For a full breakdown of this process, check out our guide on How To Complete White Mask Varre’s Questline.

If you are opposed to invading other players or are just looking for the simplest method to reach Mohgwyn Palace, we highly recommend using the alternative route detailed below.

Teleport In The Consecrated Snowfield

Although you will have to wait until much later in the game to access this particular teleport gate, Mohgwyn Palace is itself a late-game location, somewhere you don’t want to visit too early, or else you’ll likely struggle to complete it.

Once you have unlocked the Mountaintops of the Giants location, you can navigate to the optional Consecrated Snowfield area by making use of the Haligtree Secret Medallion at the Grand Lift of Rold. Once in the Consecrated Snowfield, head to the location marked on the map image above where you’ll find a sending gate. Keep in mind that there are a few enemies nearby, and before the gate will activate, you’ll need to kill an invader. After doing so, head through the gate to reach Mohgwyn Palace.

Elden Ring: How To Beat Mohg, Lord Of Blood
Mohg is an optional boss in Elden Ring, controlling blood and fire to devastate his enemies, here's how to beat him.