On the occasion of Thanksgiving, players are required to get the turkey in Wacky Wizards to make new potions in the game and we are here to help you out!

Wacky Wizards is a Roblox game that has gained a lot of popularity. The main objective of the game is to use and combine different ingredients in a wizard pot to brew different potions. These potions can be used to perform various feats in the game.

Here are some of the other potions you can make in the game:

  • MORE: Wacky Wizards Easter Eggs/Secrets Update New Potions and Ingredients

Get the Cooked Turkey Ingredient In Wacky Wizards

To get the turkey in Wacky Wizards, you need to head over to the waterfall area. There you'd find a turkey on top of the mountain. You can climb up the wall to grab the turkey but that will take you some time. Alternatively, you can also fly to the spot where the turkey has been placed and there is no penalty for flying.

Once you reach the area, simply click on the turkey to grab it and you will be asked to bring the turkey to the cannon placed in the central area.

Next, you have to toss the turkey inside the cannon and it will shoot the turkey automatically. You will see a scoreboard of how many turkeys you have evicted so far on the screen.

After launching the first turkey, several others will start spawning near the cannon. You simply have to click on them to launch via cannon to get the turkey in Wacky Wizards.

In order to claim the turkey ingredient, you need to launch a minimum of 20 turkeys. [Players can choose to collect more if they need it for making more potions.]

Once you have launched 20 turkeys, you will get the ingredient at the table that can now be used to make turkey potions in Wacky Wizards.

This potion is definitely one of the most easiest and fun to make potions in Wacky Wizards. If you have more questions about this, feel free to drop them in the comment section!