Guardians of the Galaxy features a very fun combat system that introduces a new mechanic that can help to buff your team where you huddle up, so you will most certainly want to know how to Huddle Up in battle.

The combat in Guardians of the Galaxy is very team-based, even though you only have control of Star-Lord.

Sometimes battle can get rather difficult though and your team just needs that boost, which can be done through a Huddle Up.

  • MORE: Find out how to change the music in the game.

How To Huddle Up In Guardians of the Galaxy

Knowing how to Huddle Up in Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be very important, but it's something you won't be able to do until you have the full team of five Guardians in battle.

After that point, you should learn how to Huddle Up, which is entirely reliant on the Huddle Meter that is found in the bottom right of the screen.

Fill this meter up in battle and when it finally reaches the top, you can press L1 + R1 on PS5 or the respective button on other platforms to execute a Huddle Up.

From there, you will bring the team together and have to give them a pep talk as if it was halftime in a football game.

Make sure you listen to what the other Guardians are saying, specifically paying attention to the words that will pop up in the background behind the characters.

From there, you will be given two choices to select from, which should be pretty obvious for the most part. If your team is feeling like they have no chance against the opposition, pick the option that will motivate them and so forth for any other options.

If you picked the right answer, the team will get hyped up. If you picked the wrong answer, they will certainly let you know by scolding you.

What Does Huddling Up Do?

Using Huddle Up does a few different things in the game, regardless of if you even select the right choice.

Even if you get the answer wrong, Star-Lord will receive a damage boost and any party members that have been knocked out will be instantly revived.

Getting the answer right though will give the entire team a big damage boost, which is a huge help in the harder fights against the more spongy enemies especially.

On top of the boosts you get, using Huddle Up will also cause Peter to put a song from the soundtrack on via his cassette to get you even more hyped for the battle.