With the formation of the new Kojima Productions, Hideo Kojima's development team debuted with a new mission statement, that can be found somewhat buried into the new official website.

The message is definitely uplifting, celebrating those who play, here defined in Latin "Homo Ludens."

We are Homo Ludens (Those who play)

From the moment we enter this world,we instinctively invent ways to have "fun,"and share those inventions with those around us.We're not asked to do this,nor we do need reasons to create. It is simply who we are.

We find one another and compete with one another.We laugh together and cry together; all while playing together.Our experience bind us and liberate us.To share our most valuable experiences, we create stories, invent tools, and evolve the art of play.Play has been our ally since the dawn of civilization.

"Playing" is not simply a pastime.It's the primordial basis of imagination and creation.Truth be told, Homo Ludens (Those who play)are simultaneously Homo Faber (Those who create).

Even if the earth were strippedof life and reduced to a barren wasteland, our imagination and desireto create would survive - beyond survival,it would provide hope that flowers may one day bloom again.Through the invention of play, our new evolution awaits.

KOJOMA PRODUCTIONS - We are Homo Ludens.We are those who play.

Considering the months of silence, in which Kojima-san and his team have been forced to keep behind the scene and wait for the legendary developer's contract to expire, in order to reveal their new creative adventure, it's only fitting to see them debut with such an uplifting message.

In the meanwhile, the official press release from the studio promises to "focus its efforts in developing products that will push the boundaries in innovation and ignite consumer interest worldwide."

I honestly can't wait to see what they'll create, even if it'll probably take quite a while for the game to be release. In the meanwhile, we'll all always be Homo Ludens.