Last month, Konami revealed it's finally returning to the Bomberman series with Super Bomberman R, a Nintendo Switch exclusive. Now, the company has revealed what exactly the "R" means in the game's title.

When asked what is the meaning behind the "R" by a curious Reddit User, Konami replied with the following post:

“R is a throw back feel for the Devs. to when games could simply have a letter and allow that letter to carry many meanings. It symbolized Returns & Reborn because this game is such a homage to SNES and SB3. But it also mean Rangers, to represent the diverse and colorful group of Bomberman characters who patrol the galaxy.”

And there you have it folks, another one of modern day's biggest mysteries closed thanks to Reddit.

Super Bomberman R is set to launch on the Switch, on the console's launch day of March 3, 2017. If this is your first time hearing about Super Bomberman R, be sure to check out our previous post on the game that provides over 14 minutes of gameplay footage.