Despite being one of last year's most divisive titles, it's undeniable that The Last of Us: Part II was an incredibly polished, beautiful looking video game.

Expansive landscapes, detailed, crumbling buildings and dense woodlands were just some of the visual masterpieces that Naughty Dog presented to fans within the hit.

Alongside the environment, players were greeted with some very good looking character models and some comparatively disgusting infected foes, including the infamous Clickers and the newly introduced Shamblers.

Now, in some new pre-alpha footage, we get an idea of the work that goes into creating the models within the game, as we see an early and very thicc version of the Shambler.

What Are Shamblers

Shamblers are a new stage of the Infected within The Last of Us Part II.

They resemble the infamous Bloaters, however, are slightly smaller in size and generally, more numerous in number. They're a notoriously difficult enemy to defeat.

They are covered in spores, like most infected, however, the moist conditions of their location mean the spores have turned puss-like and they can use this to their advantage when attacking. They also, once killed, explode into an acidic and damaging cloud.

What Are The Thicc Shamblers?

Uploaded to the ">TechNClub YouTube Channel is some pre-alpha footage from the game, when the team at Naughty Dog were evidently testing out Shambler encounters.

The footage shows the enemies, in a typically pre-alpha environment, stumbling around towards Ellie. However, when they get close enough to her, the enemies inflate their backsides and become extremely thicc.

It's a shame this mechanism didn't make it to the final game if you ask me.

You can check out the footage below: