A The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim player manages to outsmart the game's enemy AI and defeat a Draugr Death Overlord at just level 1.

From hefty greatswords to impactful warhammers, Skyrim has some truly awesome weapons. Players get access to all manner of special loot, picking some of the coolest-looking weapons off of their slain enemies.

Among this special loot is one particularly powerful axe - the Ebony War Axe. This one-handed axe is one of the best in the game, second only to the elusive Dragonbone War Axe. Usually, getting a weapon of this caliber comes with some pretty high stakes - namely, battling and besting a Draugr Death Overlord.

However, one player managed to outsmart this powerful enemy and obtain the Ebony War Axe - all at level 1.


u/frozenmollusk entered Volskygge with just one goal - obtain the Ebony War Axe. Being level 1, this presented a mountain of challenge. Not only would they have to go through the dungeon itself, they'd also have to face down one of Skyrim's strongest enemies.

Volskygge is home to Dragon Priest Volsung, which sets the overall base level of the dungeon higher than other standard dungeons. This is what allows Draugr Death Overlords to spawn, regardless of player level. Yes, even if the player is just level 1.

Knowing this, u/frozenmollusk circumvented most of Volskygge by going up its mountain. Reaching the dungeon's final room, they came across the Draugr Death Overlord. This particular type of enemy usually wields an Ebony or Ancient Nord sword or an axe, and is generally a level 34-35 enemy.

Armed with a weak sword and determination, u/frozenmollusk amazingly fights the enemy head-on. Dodging around the Overlord's own throne, they took advantage of Skyrim's pathfinding AI to outsmart the enemy.

Try as the Overlord might, it barely landed any hits or shouts on the player. Though maybe not as epic of a showdown as the devs intended, it's a clever method to quickly obtaining one of the best weapons in the game!

Would you try and face down a Draugr Death Overlord at level 1? Who knows, you just might nab yourself an Ebony War Axe too!