Disney recently released the fifth episode of its latest MCU show, Loki. Of course, everything about the episode was amazing, and we also saw king Loki. However, what truly grabbed everyone's attention is the appearance of Frog Thor in the episode.

As expected, Episode 5 of Loki raised many questions for the viewers, and fans are desperate to find all the answers.

Well, we may not know the answer to every question, but we do know something about Frog Thor, who might very well be "Throg" from Marvel Comics.

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Who is Frog Thor in Loki Episode 5?

In the first 10 minutes of episode 5, we can see Thor Frog trying to break out of a jar. Apparently, he was trying to reach his hammer that was lying around in the garbage. This makes us wonder exactly how Thor became a Frog?

Well, the Frog shown in the episode might not actually be Thor. Instead, the chances are that he is Puddlegulp/Simon Walterson, a human who was cursed into becoming a frog by a mystic. However, the question is, why Puddlegulp looked like Thor and had Thor's hammer.

Well, that is because, in the comics, Thor was also turned into a frog by Loki. However, even after becoming a Frog, Thor regained his memories. What's more, is that the God of Thunder still had his Godly might even after becoming a frog. That is why he was still able to lift his Hammer.

After becoming a frog, the first time that Thor used his powers was to beat up a rat who was trying to eat him. In his journey as a Frog, Thor befriends "Puddlegulp" and helps him protect the frogs of Central Park against an army of rats. However, before getting back to his normal form, the God of Thunder gives a sliver of Mjolnir to Simon Walterson, transforming the silver into a miniature version of Mjolnir. Moreover, this also granted Walterson the powers of Thor, giving him the name Throg.