The next League of Legends update will be available in almost a week, and here you can take a look at LOL 11.6 patch notes. The update will implement some big changes to Xin Zhao. A combination of nerfs and buffs will hit the champion to make him a more useful playable character in the game.

Aside from the Xin Zhao changes, a new list of Battle Academia skins will be available for Caitlyn, Yone, Leona, Garen, and Wukong. Not to mention that as always, some items will be changed for the purpose of balancing. Below, you can have a full detailed look at the LOL 11.6 patch notes.


Xin Zhao

  • Determination (Passive):
  • Heal amount lowered from [10-112 (+10% AD)(+40% AP)] to [7-92 (+10% AD)(+55% AP)]
  • Three Talon Strike (Q):
  • bonus physical damage lowered from [20/28/36/44/52] to [16/25/34/43/52]
  • Wind Becomes Lightning (W):
  • various QoL/hitbox clarity adjustments
  • Thrust damage increases up to 33% based on Critical Strike Chance
  • cast time now a static 0.5s, instead of scaling with Attack Speed
  • Mana Cost increased from 45 to 60
  • W2 range increased from 900 to 1000
  • W2 damage lowered from 40/75/110/145/180 (+80% tAD) to 40/75/110/145/180 (+80% tAD)(+50% AP)
  • Cooldown lowered from 12/11/10/9/8 to 12/10.5/9/7.5/6
  • W2 now Challenges Champions/Monsters and provides a vision of the target for 3 seconds
  • Deals 50% damage to minions
  • Audacious Charge (E):
  • Cast range in increased to 1100 on Challenged targets
  • Cooldown lowered from 12s to 11s
  • Dash speed lowered from 3000 to 2500
  • Crescent Guard (R):
  • New ability power ratio: 110%
  • Duration increased from 3s to 5s
  • No longer extended by basic attacks and spells


Battle Academia Caitlyn - [Legendary: 1820 RP]

Battle Academia Garen - [Epic: 1350 RP]

Battle Academia Wukong - [Epic: 1350 RP]

Battle Academia Leona - [Epic: 1350 RP] [Prestige: 100 PP]

Battle Academia Yone - [Epic: 1350 RP]


Blade of the Ruined King:
  • Lifesteal lowered from 12% to 10%
Liandry's Anguish:
  • [New passive] "Agony: Deal up to 12% bonus magic damage based on the target's bonus health (maxed at 1250 bonus health)."
  • [Removed Effect] "Whilst burning, they lose 5% Magic Resist per second (max reduction 15%)."
Luden's Tempest:
  • [New Effect] "Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by 1 second, up to 3 seconds per spell cast."
Immortal Shieldbow:
  • Lifesteal lowered from 12% to 10%
Ravenous Hunter:
  • Omnivamp lowered from [1% + 1.7% per BH stack] to [0% + 1.5% per BH stack]
The League of Legends update 11.6 will officially go live at 5 am GMT on March 17. The servers will probably be down for a few hours in order to implement the new changes and features into the game. League of Legends is available for free on PC through the Riot Games launcher.