Not over a week after the launch of League of Legends patch 11.4 which brought significant nerfs to Samira, now the developers are planning for an upcoming buff to the character in LOL patch 11.5 preview.

Since the announcement of LOL patch 11.5, the developers have been adding various new changes to the characters and systems in the preview sessions. Below, you can check out the list of nerfs and buffs affecting certain characters:


  • Seraphine: P ally notes deal 100 >>> 25% damage; P note decay after the first removed; R cooldown 160-120 >>> 180-120; P mote damage 4-16 (smooth with lvl) >>> 4/8/14/24 (aat 1/6/11/16)
  • Udyr: Health per lvl 99 >>> 92; R total aura damage 50-275 >>> 40-240
  • Rammus: Health per lvl 95 >>> 80
  • Shaco Support: W AOE damage 15-35 >>> 10-30; W single target damage 35-95 >>> 25-85; W deals an additional 10-50 damage to monsters
  • Rell: Base armor 35 >>> 32; W cooldown 11s >>> 13s (both W cooldowns)
  • Azir: W soldier auto attack damage 60-160 >>> 50-150
  • Gragas: Q mana cost 60-80 >>> 80
  • Senna: No longer grants over 100% crit chance, excess is instead granted as lifesteal (at the same conversation rate as before); Guinsoo Crit to on-hit conversion is now capped at 100% crit chance; Guinsoo on-hit damage is now affected by champion crit damage modifiers


  • Pyke: P Grey Health Storage 25-50% (by champ lvl) of damage taken >>> 10% (+25% Lethality), increased to 35% (+50% Lethality) when 2 or more enemies are nearby
  • Karma: Q cooldown 9-7 >>> 8-6s
  • Trundle: Q cooldown 4 >>> 3.5s
  • Master Yi: E on hit damage 18-50 >>> 20-60
  • Sejuani: W 2nd hit damage 5.25 >>> 6% max HP
  • Jax: AD per lvl 3.38 >>> 4.25
  • Kog'maw: W on hit magic damage 3-6 >>> 3-7% max HP
  • Qiyana: W on hit damage 8-40 >>> 8-64; W movement speed 5-10 >>> 5-13%; R damage 100-240 >>> 100-300
  • Samira: AD per lvl 2.3 >>> 3; Q damage ratio 80-110% >>> 80-120% tAD

Aside from characters, Stridebreaker and Muramana items will also host some changes with the former being buffed and the latter being nerfed. Serpent's Fang, Black Cleaver, and Maw of Malmortius will receive buffs.

League of Legends is now available for free on PC.