LoL Patch 12.1 notes reveal upcoming nerfs to Sona and Rek'Sai as well as the exact release date and time for Ranked Season 2022.

League of Legends Season 12 will officially kick off today, with the Ranked Season of this year slated to launch a few hours after midnight on January 7 in every local region in the world.

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Aside from the balance changes for Champions and some Items, there is also a long list of bug fixes and Quality-of-Life improvements in the patch notes down below:

LoL Patch 12.1 Notes


  • Diana: Passive - Moonsilver Blade
    • AP RATIO 40% ⇒ 50%
    • MONSTER DAMAGE RATIO 250% ⇒ 300%
  • Gangplank: Q - Parrrley
    • MANA COST 60/55/50/45/40 ⇒ 55/50/45/40/35
    • COOLDOWN 5 seconds ⇒ 4.5 seconds
  • Rek'Sai: E - Furious Bite
    • PHYSICAL DAMAGE 50/60/70/80/90 (+85% bonus AD) ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75 (+85% bonus AD)
  • Rek'Sai: E - Tunnel
    • COOLDOWN 26/23/20/17/14 seconds ⇒ 26/24/22/20/18 seconds
  • Sona: Base Stats
    • ARMOR GROWTH 3.3 ⇒ 3
  • Sona: E - Song of Celerity
    • COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds


  • Eclipse
    • EVER RISING MOON COOLDOWN (MELEE) 6 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds
  • Force of Nature
    • ABSORB STACK DURATION 5 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds
  • Immortal Shieldbow
    • ATTACK DAMAGE 55 ⇒ 50
    • LIFELINE SHIELD 300-800 (based on level) ⇒ 275-650 (based on level)
  • Wit's End
    • BUILD PATH Hearthbound Axe + Negatron Cloak + Long Sword + 750 gold ⇒ Hearthbound Axe + Null-Magic Mantle + Pickaxe + 675 gold (total cost unchanged)
    • MAGIC RESIST 50 ⇒ 40

Summoner Spells

  • Teleport
    • TELEPORT COOLDOWN 420-210 seconds (based on level) ⇒ 360 seconds at all levels
    • UNLEASHED TELEPORT Teleport can only be used on allied towers. Once tower plating falls at 14 minutes, Teleport transforms into Unleashed Teleport, which can target allied towers, minions, wards, and certain allied constructs (same as Season 2021 Teleport)

Bug Fixes and QOL Changes

  • Behavioral Systems: Intentional Feeding Detection has been improved to evaluate more variables and will go live to all regions this patch.
  • Objective Bounties: Targets with active Objective Bounties now have different health bars to indicate their bounty status
  • Fixed a bug where Kled would sometimes respawn with an incorrect amount of health
  • Fixed a bug where Kled could sometimes get hit by missiles immediately before or while dismounting, even though he should be untargetable in those moments
  • Attacking an enemy marked by her W - Yordle Snap Trap or E - 90 Caliber Net will no longer incorrectly grant stacks toward Caitlyn's Passive - Headshot
  • Fixed a bug where Caitlyn would sometimes be able to change her Headshot target while casting E - 90 Caliber Net
  • Fixed a bug where, if a champion got caught in Caitlyn's W - Yordle Snap Trap at the same time as her E - 90 Caliber Net, Caitlyn's extended Headshot range would get canceled
  • Axiom Arc's ultimate cooldown reduction passive will now scale correctly with the Ultimate Hunter rune
  • Fixed a bug where, at maximum stacks, Lethal Tempo's bonus attack speed would sometimes persist against non-champion targets
  • Fixed a bug where Bard's Meeps would become targetable after he traveled through Hexgates
  • Fixed a bug where Bard's R - Tempered Fate did not interact with Glacial Augment correctly
  • Watchful Wardstone and Vigilant Wardstone's tooltips will now include the number of wards they currently have placed
  • Vi's Passive - Blast Shield will now activate properly on all structures
  • Fixed a bug where Kindred's R - Lamb's Respite would heal champions more than it was supposed to
  • Fixed a bug where, if Lucian was silenced, his basic attacks would not have Passive - Lightslinger effects
  • Fixed a bug where Pantheon's Q - Comet Spear would incorrectly go on full cooldown if interrupted within its tap-cast time
  • Pantheon's Q - Comet Spear range indicator has been fixed and will change between its tap-cast and hold-cast versions accurately
  • Fixed Sylas' interactions with Lux's stolen R - Final Spark and Miss Fortune's stolen R - Bullet Time
  • Fixed a bug where, if Vex died while casting a consecutive R - Shadow Surge, its cooldown would not reset
  • Fixed a bug where Talon's Q - Noxian Diplomacy could sometimes hit untargetable enemy champions
  • Consuming Skarner's Crystal Venom mark from his E - Fracture will correctly deal bonus damage
  • Heimerdinger's Q - H-28G Evolution Turret's deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins
  • Heimerdinger's E - CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade's explosion sound effects will no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy

Ranked Season 2022

  • Release Date and Time:
    • January 7, 2022 at 4 am local time in every major region.
  • Changes to Apex Tier Decay
    • BANKED DAYS FOR APEX PLAYERS 10 days ⇒ 14 days
    • DECAY RATE 250 LP per day ⇒ 75 LP per day
    • APEX DECAY FLOOR Diamond I ⇒ Diamond II
  • Visual Updates
    • Ranked Armor has transformed into Ranked Crests! Check out your rank's fresh new look in your profile, ranked page, game lobby, and friends list.
    • Ranked Crests also have ~*ambient magic*~! Yay!
    • Loading screen borders have been updated to match the new Ranked Crests.
    • Several parts of the game lobby UI have been rearranged for clarity.

League of Legends is now available for free on PC.