Lost Ark’s Arkesia is arguably one of the biggest areas in the game that has numerous zones to explore and one of them is Tooki Island. What makes Tooki Island unique is its location. Here’s all you need to know about Lost Ark Tooki Island, its location and tips and tricks.

Lost Ark Tooki Island is a small landmass on the map of Arkesia. As it doesn't hold a permanent location on the map, it is fairly difficult on the part of a player to locate on the map. Even if one manages to spot that out, it might change its location by the time you reach the island.

Lost Ark Tooki Island

Lost Ark Tooki Island Location

The only way to locate Tooki Island is by sailing around the vast sea. That might sound boring and time-consuming, but that's the only way around as the particular location doesn’t appear on the map. We suggest you mark specific locations and trawl around those places. The entrance to Tooki Island opens with a huge whirlpool around the sea.

You can also, pair up with other players on the global chat to help you eat. As all the players with the treasure map head out on the search, the one who successfully locates it will ping on the chat, providing the details of Tooki Island. 

MORE: Lost Ark Island Tokens: Here Is What Are They And Where To Find Them

You can also visit the statues near the Krona Harbour. The special treasure map is also available with other players who are also on the quest to locate it. Make sure you pair up with trustable allies who will inform you on time as the gateway to the Island opens for a limited period of time.

That’s everything you need to know about the Lost Ark Tooki Island. Make sure to visit our other articles on Lost Ark to make your gameplay easier and better.