It isn't very surprising to learn that there will be alternate color schemes for the characters in next year's Marvel Vs Capcom 3.  It's practically the hottest trend in fighters, behind mash-ups of course. Here's what is surprising though; from what I can tell, these costumes will ship on the disc and are not sold separately as overpriced DLC (rolls eyes at both Super Street Fighter IV andBlazBlue: Continuum Shift).

Anyway, what's even more cool about these alternate colors is that they actually have a point and aren't purposely randomized like many of the alternate colors seemed to be in Marvel Vs Capcom 2. For example, Iron Man has a 'Stealth suit' color palette and a silver one which resembles his appearance when he first appeared in a 1963 comic. Yeah, it's real fan service. Check out the piece at the source below. Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds hits store shelves on February 15th for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
