Today Capcom released a new update to the schedule featuring event and challenge quests available in Monster Hunter World.

The new schedule runs from today to August 16, featuring three weeks of quests for you to enjoy. You can see it below.

With the end of the Summer Twilight Fest, the list shrank down considerably. The crown jewel of the week is The Thronetaker (portrayed above), featuring Lunastra, Theostra, and even Nergigante. Of course, the rewards are worth the effort of fighting those pesky elder dragons.

Certainly, many will be busy soon tackling Behemoth from Final Fantasy XIV, who will appear with an update between August 1st and August 2nd, but it isn't listed above because it'll be a regular, non-limited quest. If you're interested, you can also check out some gameplay.

The game is currently available on PS4 and Xbox One. A PC version will come on Steam on August 9th.

You can grab a copy for consoles on Amazon.