Following its top-20 ranking released on Wednesday, Media Crerate launched its top-50 and full weekly analysis, that was focused on the performance of Monster Hunter XX for Nintendo 3DS in Japan.

The firm compared the relatively impressive 848, 467 copies sold to its predecessor Monster Hunter Generations , which sold 148,800 copies on its first wee,k and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, that debuted with 144,600 copies sold.

The comparison was also made on the percentage of the initial shipment sold. Monster Hunter XX sold only 72.3% of the copies shipped by Capcom in Japan, which is over ten percentage points than its predecessors, which were at 91.84% for Monster Hunter Generations and 85.4% for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

According to Media Create, this is an "unsatisfactory" result for the game's debut.

The firm does not elaborate on the reasons behind the drop in sales, but it's very possible that part of the fan base is simply ready to move on from the 3DS, having switched its portable focus on the the Nintendo Switch (yes, I made a pun). It's also not unlikely that the recent launch of the Switch simply moved the spotlight away from the usually super-popular series. This is, though, just my personal speculation.

One thing is for sure: Capcom will probably have to make a move, and it'll be interesting to see what they have in mind for the future of one of Japan's strongest game franchises.