Today things have been a bit rough for Camelot Unchained's Kickstarter. Right as the last push towards the goal was beginning Amazon Payments (that serves as the e-commerce base for Kickstarter) decided to implode and caused trouble for multiple hours, severely hindering the funding effort.

We also got a quite popular press pundit post some rather uncharitable (and arguably unwarranted) things about the game's community due to a number of mails he received from a few passionate fans encouraging him to cover the Kickstarter project, stating that "the press" won't talk about the game because of that.

Luckily not everyone in "the press" is that stuck up, and some don't really mind hearing from their readers about what they're passionate about (besides, it's terribly petty and unprofessional to penalize a game because someone in its community happened to piss you off), so here I am ready to talk about the newest shiny update on the game.

Two days ago the talented Lead Concept Artist Michelle Davies livestreamed her work in progress on a few lovely concepts for Arthurian bards, and today we finally see the final result. But there's more: after finishing the Arthurians she moved right on to create some equally awesome concepts for another race that looks a lot like the St'rm (but without the wings).

I don't know about you, but i'm quite fond of the idea of an axe guitar that is actually an axe, without even mentioning how cool (well, not literally) a fire-spewing set of battle pipes would be. I think I already said this, but the bard concepts are seriously putting my Tank heart to the test. Michelle and her team will have to work hard on the heavy armored knights to set me straight...

In the meanwhile the project needs all the support it can get to make the goal. With 207,000 dollars to go and 35 hours left on the clock things will be a tad tense before the fans will be able to breathe in relief. If you want to help you can pledge your support here.