Today's issue on Weekly Famitsu included a spread on Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive the CGI feature film set in the world of the upcoming game that premiered yesterday in Tokyo.

Among the contents, there was something definitely interesting: the reveal of Ravus Nox Fleuret.

Ravus is Luna's Brother, and is a high ranking officer of the army of the Niflheim Empire. At the time of the movie, he's visiting Insomnia to oversee the signing of the treaty.

Interestingly, the description encourages to notice the change in his outfit and expression that will be featured in the game, effectively confirming that he will appear in the upcoming JRPG.

This also seems to be a strong hint that Ravus is actually the mysterious hooded man who appeared in the E3 2013 trailer.

Director Hajime Tabata recently confirmed that he's still in the game, and in the trailer we can actually catch a glimpse of his hair. It definitely appears to match with Ravus' style and hair color.

Kingsglaive (5)