Today the Japanese arm of Bandai Namco opened a teaser website for what appears to be a brand new game.

The site is titled "Summer Horror Project" and the site reproduces a rather creepy video feed of a rather typical Japanese lowrise house.

Among the keywords in the site's source code there is a mention of zombies, and clicking on the social media buttons lets you share the message "A mysterious site appears? Something will happen this summer...".

The site's URL includes the word "Domas," which also appears at the bottom of the image, but honestly, I have no idea of what that could mean.

We also see what appears to be a reveal date pointing to the end of the month, August 30th, presumably at 04:00 PM Japan time.

For the moment there is no mention of platforms or release windows, so we'll have to wait and see what exactly the new project will entail and whether it's for consoles or mobile platforms.

chrome 8/12/2018 , 7:10:00 PM Summer horror project - Google Chrome