New World has a massive map and traveling across the sheer landmass of Aeternum is going to take a while on foot. So the best way to traverse quickly from one point to another on the New World map is Fast Travel.

But what is Fast Travel exactly?

Think of it as a method of teleportation that will immediately transport you to the desired location. However, there are things you should know beforehand and the methods of Fast Travel in New World.

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4 Methods of Fast Travel In New World

Let's take a look at the different ways you can Fast Travel to get across the map quickly:

1. Via Settlement Inn

The first option is to visit a settlement (not a fort), and visiting the Inn. There you can speak to the Innkeeper and receive the option to gain fast travel to that particular settlement.

This will set the particular Inn as your fast travel location and you always fast travel back to your selected inn from anywhere on the New World map. Here's how to set an Inn as your fast travel location:

  • press M to open your map
  • click on the settlement you have chosen
  • select the option to "Recall to Inn"
  • Remember that there is a 1 hour cooldown period before you can use this option again.

Please note that you can only have one Inn active at a time, so if you travel to another settlement and assign that settlement as your fast travel location via the Inn option, it will override the previous Inn you had selected.

2. By Using Azoth

The second way to fast travel in New World is to use Azoth which is the in-game currency. Here's how to do it:

  • Open your map
  • Click on the settlement you wish to travel to
  • Just below the "Recall to Inn" option, you will find the "Fast Travel" option

But remember that this option costs Azoth, and the cost varies depending upon:

  • Base Cost - 50 Azoth
  • Distance - 5 Azoth per 100 meters
  • Encumbrance Amount - 4 Azoth per 10 weight
  • Faction Discounts
  • Company Discounts

Note: You must have sufficient Azoth, and must have visited a settlement before you can this method of Fast Travel. So you can only use this option if you are at another fast travel location, such as a settlement or another Fast Travel Point (Method 4 below).

3. Buying Home

The third way to fast travel in New World is through buying a house but it's going to cost you a lot. However, if you do manage to own a home within a settlement and are not past due on your taxes then you can use that home as a fast travel location to that particular settlement.

You can own up to 3 different houses across Aeternum, each with an independent fast travel cooldown. The cooldown timer varies based on the tier of home you own:

  • Tier 1 - 4 Hours
  • Tier 2 - 3 Hours
  • Tier 3 - 2.5 Hours
  • Tier 4 - 2 Hours

4. Via Fast Travel points (Shrines)

The fourth method involves finding Fast Travel points, called Spirit Shrines, across Aeternum. These Spirt Shrines are locations that you need to find in order to fast travel from one location to another by spending Azoth each time.

This option works very much like Method 2, and the Azoth cost is based on the metrics. All that is left is finding the spirit shrines by visiting through an interactive map. Here's how to do it:

How To Find Spirit Shrines For Fast Travel

You can spot a Spirit Shrine by looking for a beacon of light in the air around you. If you cannot spot one, just refer to the interactive map. Here's how to do it:

  • Visit New World Map
  • Clear the filters
  • Select Cities, Regions, and Spirit Shrines

And this will reveal all the Fast Travel points on the New World map.