Today Level 5 updated the official website of the western edition of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.

Previously the site was quite limited, but now the story, characters and media areas have been given quite a sizable amount of content for us to enjoy.

Interestingly enough, the  structure of the website mirrors quite perfectly the Japanese official site (including the news bar at the bottom, that is a peculiar element of Japanese website design), something that very rarely happens when a game gets localized in the west.

This reinforces the my hope that Level 5 and Namco Bandai are planning to create a localization that will remain faithful to the original game, without stressing too much on the westernization process that often turns Japanese games into a quite different (and less enjoyable) experience.

We can only wait and see what will happen, but in the meanwhile you can enjoy the updated website.