It's truly amazing to see creative people putting their talents to good use in the form of gaming related craftsmanship. Reddit has had an influx of artistic folk wanting to share what they have made with the rest of the gaming community - I personally hope it never ends, so you can image my delight when, yet again, I happen upon an enthusiastic individual who fell in love with Nintendo and wanted to put their own creative spin on it to share with the world.

Reddit user u/logbies from Germany who loves gaming design, crafting, and of course, Nintendo designed and constructed with their own fair hands, two giant Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons that act as a shelving unit to store up to 40 switch games and when placed beside their 55" television, it looks exactly like an enormous Switch.  I think it would be safe to say that this would certainly be the envy of your gamer friends and make for an amazing centerpiece, whether it was in your living room, bedroom or gaming room.


Logbies talents don't just end there as they have also built a Nintendo Switch table, all meticulously crafted piece by piece. It has a glass center that nestles some vibrant blue lights below it that also change to red to set an ambient tone to the room, which is perfect for hosting a gaming party with some friends.

You can check out the Nintendo Switch table YouTube video below to truly get a better feel of how it actually looks and who knows, maybe it'll inspire you to create your own? Just let us know if you do. You can also check out some pictures on the process Logbies made in making the Switch Shelves below, too.