Following this week's report that saw the Nintendo Switch overtake a million in hardware sales in Japan, the local statistics firm Media Create posted its weekly analysis.

The firm confirms that the Switch took only 17 weeks to reach a million units sold, compared to the PS4's 46 and the Wii U's 33, but it also adds an interesting piece of data.

At the time in which each console reached a million units sold, PS4 had 250,000 software sales, Wii U had 168,000 and the Switch has 172,000. This means that the Switch's attach rate is now at 17.2, improved sensibly from the previous report. Considering the much more limited time on the market compared to the other consoles, that's already impressive.

Yet, Media Create expects things to improve further, mentioning that the pace of software sales should increase thanks to the release of Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Odyssey.

Splatoon 2 will launch on July 21st, while Super Mario Odyssey's release date was announced at E3 for Octover 27th.